Michigan High School Tennis Coaches Association

January 2024 - January 2025

Select your payment method below. The fee for Membership is $25.00

When your membership payment is received:

  • you will receive an email that acknowledges payment and the password for the online Directory
  • IF YOU REQUEST - a hard copy of the MHSTeCA Directory will be sent in the mail within one week

This might be a good time to make a donation to MHSTeCA's Hall of Fame.

NOTE: MHSTeCA is offering a free one year membership to first year varsity coaches.
If this applies to you, please click here.

_________________________Check or Cash________________________

You should receive an email receipt from Paypal shortly
after clicking the CONTINUE or the PAY NOW button.
If not, please resubmit payment and make sure that
all of the 'lines' (except the Apt. line)
has something in it.