Michigan High School Tennis Coaches Association


(Click here for Senior Player All Academic Award)


  1. To qualify for the All-Academic certificate, your team's average must have a minimum of a 3.25 GPA using non-weighted grades.
  2. The All-Academic certificate is based on your REGIONAL LINE-UP.  Do not send the application in until after you submit your Regional Lineup to the Regional Manager. The two forms - this form and your regional lineup - must have the same players listed.
  3. Your team's Grade Point Average (GPA) is based on each student/player's cumulative (9-12) GPA in the semester prior to your season of play.
  4. For the Fall season only, freshmen players do not qualify because they do not yet have a high school GPA history.  But if they are on your Regional Lineup, please put their names on the application and designate as "Freshmen".
  5. Exchange students do not count because they do not have a GPA history at your school, but put them on the application if they are on your Regional Lineup and designate them as "Exchange Student".
  6. Please list ALL players that are on your Regional Lineup, not just those with GPAs of 3.25 or higher.
  7. NOTE: Senior Players with a GPA of at least 3.75 can get the Senior Player All Academic Award even if your team does not qualify for the All Academic Award.

A few reminders when submitting your All-Academic Team Application.

  1. Be sure to include your school division.
  2. When averaging total GPA, please use only two decimals, i.e. 3.25
  3. NOTE: If your school uses weighted grades, please fill out both the unweighted and weighted columns.
  4. If you missed qualifying by just one decimal (3.24), you do not qualify...  BUT KEEP TRYING!!
  5. DUE DATES (but sooner rather than later is preferred)
    1. November 15 for the Fall Season
    2. July 1 for the Spring Season
  6. This is a team tennis award (we do award Senior Players with a GPA of 3.75 or higher). Please make copies of the certificate and give one to each team member.
  7. Keep records of your school's success. We post qualifying teams for one year on our website.

Application should be scanned and sent by e-mail (signatures are required on scanned documents) to Terry Schwartzkopf at:


Certificates will be sent by e-mail.
If you do not receive your certificate in a timely manner, there are errors, or you have questions, please contact Terry Schwartzkopf at:


Click here for application form (complete, print, get signatures, and send to tennisacademicallstate@gmail.com).